G6_Speed and Motion 800 – 900L_02_test
What a spectacular day for a bike ride. The weather is perfect, not too hot or cold. Michelle and her friends are checking out the new bike path. The bike path starts at the end of the street near her house, so Michelle thinks it is very convenient. Today, she wants to ride all the way to the end of the five-mile long path. The whole trip will be very long, about 10 miles round trip.

Michelle and her friends gather at the entrance of the path. As Michelle starts the ride, she notices the direction of the wind because it is forcefully blowing against her. The wind will be blowing toward her all the way out to the end of the path. It will be difficult for Michelle and her friends to pedal because the force of the wind will be resisting their forward motion. The good news is they will have a tailwind on the way back. Michelle wonders if they will be able to travel the last five miles faster than the first with the wind pushing them from behind.

While riding, Michelle notices the path is perfectly straight. Mile after mile, her position changes as she moves further away from where she started. Michelle thinks back to what she learned in Science class. Mr Haines would say, “Motion is a change in position or direction.” On today’s ride she will only see a change in position.
Since the path is straight there will be no change in direction. That’s okay with Michelle and her friends because riding in a straight line makes it easier to chat while they take in the sights.