G5 The Organs of the Body (On Grade)_05

Sensory Organs

At the track meet there are many sights, sounds and smells. You see the colorful team banners, you hear the band playing, and you smell the food cooking in the concession stand. You can feel a breeze on your skin. All of the body parts that help you experience the track meet are part of your Sensory organs. Your nose, eyes, ears and even your skin bring your brain information about the world around you. You can sense temperature with your skin and judge the distance you have to run with your eyes. Your ears will listen for the starting whistle that signals the beginning of your race.


You take your place at the starting line and wait for the whistle that will signal the start of your first race. You think about all the training you have done to prepare for this race. And, you think about all the systems in your body that are working together to help you do your best today.

And there is the whistle….GO