G3-Life Cycles of Plants and Animals Lowerlevel_04
Some insects go through a small change. Grasshoppers will hatch from an egg. They look like a small version of an adult grasshopper. They also eat a lot! They shed their skin. This helps them grow. Soon they will develop wings and become an adult.

Plants also have a life cycle. They grow and make new plants and go through different stages depending on the season.
Plants do not give live birth or create eggs. Plants start their lives as seeds. Seeds are much like the eggs of an insect. The seed needs to be planted and given water. It will sprout if taken care of.

It spreads out its roots and leaves start to grow. The roots grow down into the soil. The stem begins to grow toward light. When the stem and new leaves break through the soil, it is called a seedling.
The seedling continues to grow deep roots and more leaves. Adult plants make flowers. These flowers make more seeds.
Seeds can be in fruit or seedpods. The fruit or seedpod will fall to the ground. This means the life cycle process starts all over again.