G4 – The Bone Wars – Approaching – 03

It was during this time in US history that great strides took place in the field of Paleontology. Paleontologists were finding rich bone beds in many of the western states. What is Paleontology you may wonder? Many think that it is the study of fossils. It is, but it is much, much, more. Paleontology is the study of what fossils tell us. Fossils provide clues to past ecosystems. They help explain our role in this world. Paleontology also includes many other Science fields. Biology, Geology, and Ecology all play major roles in the study of past life on Earth.

Like any study of Science, Paleontology is based on the collection of evidence. Every bone that is found is more evidence to help scientists reconstruct the past. Fossilized bones are collected carefully. It is rare that an entire organism’s fossilized bones are found intact. More likely, scientists will find only a few bones. Scientists must infer the type and size of the organism. This is all done based on the evidence they collect. It’s not always easy to figure out what a dinosaur might have looked like. One problem is that skin and muscles are often not preserved, only bone. This makes it even more difficult to be sure what a dinosaur may have looked like. Imagination and creativity are important skills for a paleontologist.

Soon after the first discoveries of fossils in the American West, many expeditions took place. Scientists and fossil hunters alike searched for the fossilized remains of prehistoric organisms.