G7-TSFE – Plate Tectonics at Work-700-800L-04

Today, scientists know that plates are constantly moving. Some move several centimeters each year. Some move inches per year. Reid’s missing mechanism for what causes strain on the Earth’s crust is now well known and understood. Satellite observations of plate boundaries clearly show this movement. This helps scientists determine the amount of strain that is building up. This knowledge can helps them better understand when an earthquake might be eminent. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to predict or prevent earthquakes from occurring. Plates will continue to move. Satellites and other tools used to monitor movement can at least help us prepare. Over the past 100 years, California’s state officials have used what has been learned by scientists to create better, stronger buildings. Updates have been made to gas lines, and fires are more likely to be contained if they do happen during earthquakes. With more knowledge and the ability to plan, the damage will not be as severe as it was in the San Francisco Quake of 1906.