The Water Cycle, Simple or Complex? _Lower_02

Like the diagram below, the water cycle model looks simple. Though it may look simple, it is quite complex.

Believe it or not, even scientists don’t fully understand the water cycle. Currently, learning more about the water cycle is a major focus. For the scientists at NOAA, learning about the water cycle is a major focus. By knowing more, scientists will be able to make better predictions about weather and climate. It is also vital because of water being an important resource.

Water can be found in the air, clouds, oceans, and lakes. It can also be found in vegetation, snowpack, and glaciers. Not having enough water raises a huge concern. In contrast, too much water can be devastating.

We might think of flooding or drought as just an inconvenience. It is much more than that. It can have major impacts on farming. Either too much or too little water can disrupt our food supplies. Sometimes it is not the amount of water that is important. It may be about the quality of the water. What happens when our water source is degraded due to pollution? 

If our water supplies become polluted, then any amount of water is no longer a factor. Humans depend on water in many ways. This is why it is important to learn as much as possible about the water cycle. Only then can we understand the full impact of our actions with regard to the water cycle.