G7_The Manatee – An Endangered Icon_ grade level_04

In nature, it’s all about the survival of the fittest. The phrase “survival of the fittest” comes from Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Simply put, survival of the fittest is a way to describe the way natural selection happens. The goal of any species is to reproduce in a way it can leave as many copies of itself as possible. This reproductive mechanism is what provides for the success of the species. Unfortunately, for animals on the threatened and endangered list, their populations are diminishing at an alarming rate.

In terms of survival of the fittest, the manatee is not being threatened by other native animal species. In contrast, the manatee’s threat comes solely from humans. Humans have little need to adapt to their environment. Instead, humans adapt the environment to fit their own needs. Unfortunately, this threat is happening quickly. 

Too quickly in fact for the manatee or other species to adapt. Without our help, the manatee may soon become extinct.

After several hours of snorkeling, the group made their way back to the dock. It’s been a great day! There were a lot of manatees at the spring. The group was able to get a lot of useful pictures. More importantly, they now have a better understanding of manatees they can share with their fellow students. They firmly believe that if man is the greatest threat, then man alone can save these and other creatures.