G6_Zombie Apocalypse__02

Dwaine is finally done with his science homework. He doesn’t mind doing it. He actually enjoys learning about science. However, he would much rather be reading a good science fiction novel. He finishes up his science homework and pushes it aside. He quickly grabs his newest book. It is titled “Zombie Apocalypse”.

This science fiction thriller details the adventures of Maximillian Trudeau. Maximillian (Max) is an ex-army ranger who now works as an epidemiologist. An epidemiologist is a scientist who studies contagious diseases and how they spread. Epidemiologists are like detectives trying to solve a crime. They must identify the origin of the disease and track its movement. Like most science fiction novels, this author includes a lot of real cutting-edge science into his stories. This is exactly why Dwaine enjoys reading them.

The story begins with an unknown illness that wipes out an entire village in North Africa. The epidemic quickly sweeps across Northern Africa and travels into Europe. Max is hard at work in his lab. He first must identify the disease that is making people sick. He furiously runs tests in petri dishes and test tubes. He quickly realizes that no test is going to confirm the disease in his lab. Using his government contacts, he gains access to a military flight. He needs to get to Northern Africa as soon as possible. He also needs to locate patient zero, the first known victim.