Instincts and Learned Behavior_Lower_Level_02

This is Jake, a handsome Golden Retriever. Jake loves to play tug of war and fetch at any chance he gets. He also loves to jump in the pool when his owner Kathy throws in a toy. In many ways Jake is a normal happy pet. But there is also something different about Jake. Different from most dogs that are family pets, Jake has a job. Jake’s job is to help his owner, Kathy, with everyday chores.


Kathy was hurt in an accident when she was little and now cannot walk. Because she cannot walk, she must use a wheelchair to get around. Jake can open a door and pick up things that Kathy drops. Jake can even help Kathy by pulling her wheelchair if she needs help moving. Was Jake born knowing how to do all these special things to help Kathy?


There is no doubt, Jake is a very smart and natural dog. He can feel it when his owner is not feeling well. He barks when danger is near or when he wants her attention. To help Kathy, he needed to learn some new skills. Jake went through many months of great training. During this training, he learned everything he needed to know to help Kathy. Animals are born with certain habits. These habits are not taught, and they do not need to be practiced. For example, a baby cries when it is hungry. No one teaches the baby to cry. The baby’s need to cry tells its mother it needs food.