
Water continues to flow through these caverns deep below the surface. The water itself helps to support the weight of the surface. Imagine a balloon filled with water. It is capable of providing an upward pushing force. Imagine placing a book on top of the balloon filled with water. As long as there is water in the balloon, it can support the weight on top of it. What happens if the volume of water in the balloon is reduced? It may no longer be able to support the book, and the weight of the book causes it to sink.

That’s how sinkholes form. As the water level decreases in times of drought, the ground above is left unsupported. If there is nothing to support it, gravity can cause the surface to sink, leading to sinkholes. This is one factor that can cause a collapse.

Sinkholes can also form after heavy rain events. An example of such an event is a tropical storm or hurricane. Earth’s surface can become very heavy due to the weight of the water. Have you ever carried a gallon jug of water? If so, you know how heavy water can be! Imagine the weight of hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. It is this added weight that can cause the collapse of the cavern ceiling.

Sinkholes are part of the natural world we live in. People who live in areas similar to Florida should be aware of sinkholes.