G6-Interplanetary Real Estate-800-900L-02

Solar System Real Estate

Are you looking for a new location to raise your family? Perhaps you need an investment or vacation property to rent out. Possibly, you need to expand your business. We have many options to help you accomplish your goals. Properties are available to purchase, rent, or rent-to-own! Whatever your needs are, Solar System Real Estate is here to help you.

We have many incredible options available for your perusal. We have locations available in excellent school systems if your offspring are still living with you. Some are close to local playgrounds for smaller children. Maybe you are considering a second property. Perhaps you want something with an amazing view or somewhere to vacation with your family.

If so, Solar System Real Estate is here to help. We can assist you in finding the home of your dreams. Please look at our catalog of properties. It is divided into categories to aid your search.

A Room with A View

Jupiter is an absolute giant. Jupiter itself has no solid surface to live on. However, it does have many unique moons to choose from. They all have different characteristics. From any of our moon options, you could enjoy the breath-taking view. Envision what it would be like to see Jupiter’s Giant Red Spot in the evening sky. Just imagine having Jupiter in your backyard. It is the largest object in the solar system besides the Sun. This gas giant is over 1,300 times larger than Earth. This makes it a perfect place to explore on weekend getaways. You can even customize your property. Choose between several types of atmospheres and surface types. Choose between one of 63 moons that orbit Jupiter.

Is living on one of Jupiter’s moons too far of a commute? Maybe you don’t want to be 5.20 astronomical units (AUs) away from the center of action, the Sun. Then again, being a little further out can have its benefits. Think if you are not a fan of birthdays. It takes Jupiter 12 years to orbit the Sun!