A Foggy Day Lower Leve_03

Mrs. Barnhart told us to leave them alone. “Our model will show the real water cycle, but it will take time.” I asked a lot of questions about fog while we waited. Mrs. Barnhart gave us an article to read about how the water cycle works.

I read about how water exists in three forms. These three forms are the basis of the water cycle.

Liquid water freezes and turns into a solid. When liquid water is heated, it can turn into a gas. This process is called evaporation. When water vapor is cooled enough, it turns back into a liquid. This process is called condensation.

I looked back at the model and was excited to see condensation forming on the side of the container. I watched as water got together and dripped back down the sides. This morning, I saw condensation in the container. I also saw proof of evaporation when the grass dried.

After school I hurried home. It is a warm day, and the Sun is shining, but there are some big clouds in the sky.

Lucky barks loudly and his tail is wagging as I walk in the door. I know I must hurry. Those clouds are really building and that means only one thing, rain.

“Okay Lucky, just let me change my clothes and we can go play,” I shout as I rush toward my room.