G8_The Story of Coal and the Carbon Cycle_Grade level_04
Other concerns with increased levels of atmospheric CO2 is they may also contribute to ocean acidification. This occurs when CO2 in the air dissolves directly into water. As you read more, you realize why the burning of fossil fuels may not be the best option for providing energy in the future.
However, you now know the importance of coal to the environment. Coal is extremely beneficial for the environment as it sequesters carbon that would otherwise be returned and recycled through the carbon cycle. The problem is not the coal itself; it is when humans burn the coal and the stored carbon is released.
Today has been a very interesting day. You will never forget having the chance to visit a real coal mine. You are learned some fascinating things about the history of the Earth. Who would have thought something over 300 million years old would play such a large role in our environment? So, the next time you hear or read about how bad coal is for our environment you will understand, coal is great. It is the burning of coal that produces the problem.