Eddie the Eagle and His Fight Against the Forces of Nature _2_lower
As the skier starts his run down, he must get into a tuck position to lessen wind resistance. More speed means more force of wind resistance. If he were to stand straight up, more air would hit his body as he traveled down. This would slow the skier down dramatically.
The skier must also follow the tracks created by skiers that have gone previously. By following the tracks, he avoids the slightly deeper snow that would slow his fall downward. Even on the slick ice and snow surface, there is still friction. His skies have wax on the bottom to help them glide easily over the icy snow. While skiing down, the forces created by the wind and friction are a problem. Gravity is doing its work by helping the skier pick up speed. Here gravity is working in favor of the skier. As the skier reaches the end of the run, he is going very fast.

At the last second possible, the skier makes his jump. He changes from his tuck position to an upright position as he sails off the end of the ramp called the table. It is here that forces once helpful become the skier’s enemy. Forces that were holding the skier back will now help hold him up.
Once in the air, the skier stretches out over the tips of his skis. This new position now catches the same air the skier once tried to avoid. His body and skis now act like a giant sail. The moving air hits the skier, and his skis act like a giant wing. The force applied by the moving air creates lift. Lift is a force pushing up on the skier. The force from gravity that once helped the skier gain speed now pulls him down toward the ground. That battle is on between these two forces for as long as possible. The skier resists gravity using the lift from the moving air. Gravity continually pulls him down. His goal is to fly as far as possible.
“The Eagle has landed!” the announcer yells as Eddie touches down. Eddie quickly turns sideways pushing his skis into a snowplow. This motion creates a lot of friction between the skis and the snow, which brings Eddie to a stop. Eddie stands proudly surrounded by cheering fans. The forces acting on his body are once again balanced.
Eddie places 58th in the event, but it could have been worse. There was one skier who broke their leg in practice. If not for that skier missing today’s event, Eddie could have been 59th. None of this matters to Eddie the Eagle, a name he is fondly called by his fans. Eddie has achieved his goal of becoming an Olympian.