G6_Zombie Apocalypse__03_grade level

Upon his arrival, he sets up a portable lab in the small African village where the disease began. Max immediately begins running tests on the sick and dying patients. After 48 hours, he identifies the strain of mystery illness. It’s called Immortus Transmogrification, the Zombie Disease! This is where Dwaine picks up his reading from where he left off last night.

In his lab, Max tries to determine the cause of the zombie disease. Is it caused by a virus, bacteria, fungi, or maybe even a parasite? The disease turns any infected victim into a flesh-eating zombie within 72 hours. Max knows he must work quickly. With blood samples from patient zero, he gets to work.

Before any cure can be found, he must first identify how the disease spreads. His biggest concern is that the disease is a virus. Viruses can spread quickly. Modern modes of transportation carry people across the globe in a matter of hours. For example, scientists believe the deadly West Nile Virus was brought to the US by an infected air traveler. Unaware they are infected, travelers may board a plane and return home without ever realizing they have been infected.

Max stops for a moment and ponders this scenario. He quickly catches himself as he knows he must stay focused.