Plant Reproduction (600-700)_03
The stamen contains the male parts of a flower. It consists of a stalk-like filament. At the end of the filament is the anther. The anther contains pollen sacs. It is here the pollen grains form. The plant’s filament holds the anther up. The higher up the pollen, the easier it is to be carried away.

The pistil is the female part of the plant. It consists of three parts. It has a stigma, a style, and the ovary. The stigma sits on top of the style. Like the anther, it too needs to be high up. It is also sticky to help catch pollen. The style is what supports the stigma. It connects the stigma to the ovary. The ovary contains the egg.
The job of the plant’s petals is to attract animals. Petals are often brightly colored. Bright colors make them easier for animals to see.
Sepals look like thick leaves. Their job is to protect flower buds. Sepals are not brightly colored like petals. They are usually green in color. This color helps them blend in. Animals will be less likely to eat the newly forming flower buds.