G5 Difference between Science, Engineering, and Technology (Approaching) – 03

Technology is something we use or create. We don’t say, “I do technology.” We more typically say, “I use technology.” Technology is anything that is used or created that improves our lives. Cars, TVs, and medicine are all forms of technology. Technology is always changing. New technology can mean better medicines to keep us healthy. New cars keep us safe and use less fuel.
New electronics have provided better ways to stay in touch with others. You may think of technology refers to only new things. In fact, technology has always been around. A stone tool was a form of technology for early man. Other technologies may seem old, but they still continue to benefit mankind. It is hard to imagine what new technology the future will bring.
Like Engineering, technology is not Science.

However, it does affect Science and Engineering. Technology also aids in the study of Science. Technology can make life easier for scientists. For instance, a better microscope will help a scientist see smaller things. Better rockets may help launch better weather tools into orbit. It is important to know that Science, technology, and Engineering complement each other. Science studies the natural world. Engineers work on ways to use what is learned in Science and solve problems with technology. They may develop a better or stronger engine for a rocket. They may design a safer, more fuel-efficient car. Using Science as a guide, engineers create solutions. Most of the time, they use the latest technology to create new technology.
Each of the fields of Science and Engineering, along with technology provides a unique purpose. Each one is also dependent upon the others. Science benefits from the work of engineers. Engineers create new technology. New technology helps scientists learn new things about the natural world. New scienctific discoveries and inventions provide the basis for many of the new technologies. Simply put, engineers work to solve problems. Science is looking for knowledge. Technology is a tool for both scientists and engineers. Technology is often the solution to the problems engineers try to solve.