Lab Safety 2_Approaching_04

You will be expected to act like a scientist. This also means you will be required to dress like a scientist. When working with chemicals, long sleeve shirts and pants are required. Common lab practices also means to wear closed-toed shoes. Flip-flops or sandals are not allowed in the lab. Wearing certain types of fabrics are important for your safety. Clothing made from cotton may protect you from burns. Eyewear is another safety item. Depending on what you are doing in the lab, you may be required to wear goggles. Long hair is another concern in the lab. Long hair must be tied back when working in a lab.

To learn to be like a scientist, you must also learn what scientists do. To do the job of a scientist, it requires the knowledge of the rules of safe practice. Your teacher will review more of these rules with you, either now or as needed.

It is you who holds the primary responsibility of staying safe in the lab; it is not the teacher’s or your lab partner’s job to keep you safe in the lab. Now, let’s get to the business of doing Science safely!