G7-Beyond Visible – The New Photovoltaic Technologies-800-900L-04

Recent Technological Breakthroughs

The question that needs to be asked is, “At what range is the Sun’s energy most abundant?” As it turns out, it is most abundant in the spectrum ranging from the visible to the near-infrared range. Until recently, PV panels could only convert the energy from the visible light spectrum. What if this additional energy could be used?

Recently, a team of scientists announced a breakthrough. It may even revolutionize the PV market. They produced a material capable of harnessing more of the Sun’s spectrum. In other words, their design is not limited to the visible light spectrum. Their new polymer-based design has the potential to be a real game changer. The discovery may give consumers cheaper and more efficient solar panels. What would this discovery mean for society? It may end the need to burn fossil fuels to produce electricity.


The amount of solar energy reaching Earth’s surface in one year is huge. In a year, Earth receives more energy than we could ever get from burning fossils fuels. We know that plants have the ability to utilize the Sun’s energy. They use their leaves to provide for their needs. This process is called photosynthesis. Will mankind take notice and consider using sunlight for their electrical needs? With these new technologies, perhaps PV panels will become a viable option. The current use of fossil fuels and their harsh effects on the environment are well known. The question remains: when will we use the Sun’s free energy to meet our needs? Will mankind ever adapt the use of sunlight for its electricity needs?