Coping with Seasonal Changes (MS Approaching)_03
Later that same week you are in a wooded area near your home. You notice some of the squirrels are digging small holes. They seem to be burying acorns in the ground.
Acorns are the seeds from some of the nearby oak trees. Obviously, they are not trying to plant more trees. Then again, they are tree-dwelling animals. More trees would be good for them. After careful observation, you realize this may be their way of storing food for later.
Some squirrels have even hidden nuts in the holes made by woodpeckers.
Plants and trees flower in the warmer months. That is part of their reproductive process. Some plants, like the mighty oak, produce seeds that we call acorns. Squirrels eat these acorns during the warmer months. In the winter months, they can dig up buried acorns. Squirrels are smart creatures! Not all animals prepare for winter in the same way.