G8 – Phases of the Moon (On Grade) – 04
Seven days, or three-quarters of a month, later, the Moon has moved again as it continues its never-ending journey. You can now see half the Moon’s face lit much like when the Moon was one-quarter of the way around Earth. This is the second Quarter Moon of the month, although this time, you see the opposite side of the Moon illuminated.

Finally, in one more week, the Moon is back to its New Moon phase and can no longer be seen in the night sky. (The image below shows the location of the Moon during its phases.)
“Wow!” Grandpa exclaims. “Sounds like you really have a great understanding of the Earth–Moon–Sun relationship. You sound like a professor I once had back in my college days.”
You chuckle.
“If baseball doesn’t work out as a career, then maybe I will be an astronomer when I grow up or maybe even an astrophysicist,” you explain.
“Sounds like a great plan,” Grandpa responds. “Now let’s get inside before the mosquitoes carry us away. Besides, we need to get to sleep early tonight because tomorrow is a big day for us. We need to leave the house early so we can catch the Rays having batting practice, and with luck, we can get some autographs.”