Using Lab Apparatus Approaching Level_Review


Scientists use many tools with their investigations. Astronomers use telescopes. Telescopes help us look at far away objects. Other scientists use microscopes. Microscopes help us look at very small objects. Chemists use lots of tools when mixing, heating, or even applying pressure to chemicals. When a piece of equipment is made for a specific purpose, it is called apparatus. Some of these tools may be familiar, while others will be new to you.

The Tools of Science

There are three important things to consider when learning about these tools of science. First, it is important to learn the names of the tools you will be using. Next, it is just as important to know what tools to use when doing an investigation. Last, you will need to learn how to use these tools correctly.

Tools can be similar. But they may have different purposes. Improper use of tools can result in imprecise data. Imprecise data may keep a scientist from forming a good conclusion. You should become familiar with the lab apparatus you will use. Then, you will be able to choose the best tool for the job.

For example, both a beaker and graduated cylinder can be used to measure the volume of a liquid. If you were looking for an approximate amount, a beaker may be appropriate to use. If you needed an exact amount, it would be best to use the graduated cylinder.

A hand lens and a microscope can both be used to take a closer look when making observations. A microscope uses light to look through objects. Materials you cannot see through, like a seashell, are better observed with a hand lens. Learning about lab equipment is also for staying safe.  Some of the tools in science can be dangerous if not used correctly. Knowing the tools and how to use them will help everyone stay safe.

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Types of Lab Apparatus

There are two basic types of lab apparatus. One type will help measure. The other type will help in the process for collecting data. Think of a time you worked at home. Maybe your mother asked you to dig a hole to plant a new flower plant she bought. You used a shovel to dig a hole for the plant. You used a tape measure to make sure the hole was deep enough. One tool was for measuring. The other tool aided you with a process.

You may have heard of tools such as a thermometer, meter stick and a balance. These tools help measure temperature, length, and mass. In other words, they are data collection devices. They collect the evidence for scientists. This evidence will later help them draw conclusions.

Other tools help influence the science inquiry. For example, a Bunsen burner may be used to heat up items. Tools may be used for mixing, heating, cooling, and even applying forces. There are many types of tools and devices being created daily.

Using equipment to gather data must be done with care. Tools are only as accurate as the person using them. Human error makes up a lot of the measuring errors found in science. Many tools are capable of great precision in the hands of an expert. With practice, you will become an expert.

To be a scientist, you must be curious. To find answers, you must look carefully. Measurements must be taken in a careful and precise manner. All the looking in the world may not reveal the answer. The point to be made is superior analysis starts with data collection. The quality of this data is based on the care and precision in which you use the tools of science.


For now, it is important to listen to your teacher. They will explain the instructions in the lab. And they will tell you tools you will use. As you spend more time in the lab, you will better learn the names of some basic apparatus. You will learn how to properly use the equipment. By learning how to use the equipment, you will be able to collect good data and be safe at the same time. You will become a great scientist and an expert in the use of scientific tools.

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